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About that Porch Addition . . .

We’ve been working on our new room addition for about 3 weeks which is the reason for my lack of blog posts (until lately).

At first the progress was fast — probably because I had a lot of energy, but slowed down after I put up the three frame walls.

Here’s a photo log of those 3 weeks . . .



While it’s not hot, it has been rainy and now cold (for us).



For a small room, a fair amount of lumber is required. As it turned out, I under-estimated my 2 x 4 needs by about 50%.

Lumber Delivery


This is where our Jeep came in handy . . .



Moved the Porch Storage Drawer 1 Foot Over


Extended the Floor by 1 Foot


Framed All Walls + Stairs



The “minor” tasks can chew up a lot of, if not the most, time and energy . . .

Waterproofed Roof Post


Braced a Wall


Pre-Painted Exterior Wall Panels




The small roof that covers our room addition’s closet was next to go up. The roof was in two parts — each part 3/4″ plywood covered with an RV “rubber roof”. Actually, it’s some sort of synthetic material called Superflex. The Superflex is glued onto each sheet of plywood using a water-based adhesive that we’re pretty sure is Elmer’s Glue.

Elmer’s Glue?


Anyway, we used a paint roller to spread the Elmer’s Glue all over each plywood sheet, then used a padded squeegee to flatten out the Superflex and remove all the air bubbles. For the most part it worked out ok.

Get Those Air Bubbles Out


After letting the Elmer’s Glue dry for a day, we next attached a brown-colored water drip edge.

Roof Drip Edge


Finally, both sections of the rubber roof are fastened to the roof rafters.

Closet Roof Attached



After attaching the rubber roof, next step was to put up the closet’s exterior panels.

Closet Wall Finished (except for trim)




The door, sliding door, and two windows will arrive over the next month.

So I have to prepare a frame for each window, put up the room’s roof, and sheath the remaining two walls.




A Public Service Announcement . . .

Catch the Fab Four’s USA TV debut on Stephen Colbert’s :ate Show on Monday, Feb 11th and/or on Good Morning America’s Tuesday morning show.



And, finally, Blackpink is a headliner at this year’s Coachella, April 12th & 19th:

And now, an RV Technical Moment . . .

The shade in our RV skylight broke last summer. We took it down and told ourselves we’d repair it next week.

Many many weeks later we bit the bullet and restrung our RV skylight shade.

Bought new shade string on Amazon, but, unfortunately, removed the old string from the shade before taking a picture of how to run the string through the shade. Big mistake.

After trying to restring the shade for about 5 minutes, my patience expired.

Luckily, Jan was up for the challenge and figured it out pretty quickly.




I did the RV installation.





I’ve walk Flirt passed this dummy several times, but her reaction never changes . . .



Blogtastic #3 – Quest for the Grail

And now, a Technical Momemt . . .

For full-time RVers the Holy Grail of on-the-road Internet service is AT&T’s Mobley. Hands down.

What’s a Mobley? The photo above says it all . . . Internet service for the car that keeps the kids quiet while you’re driving. Once again technology saves the day.

So while the Mobley was intended for use in an auto, many RVers have turned it into their primary Internet source for one very compelling reason . . . UNLIMITED INTERNET SERVICE. Yes, dear friends, UNLIMITED. Did I mention Unlimited?

It’s a little guy

However, the original “Mobley Plan” ended two years and the device itself vanished from the AT&T site in 2018. End of the line?

But then miracle of miracles happened . . . the Unimited Access Mobley reappeared this January and we were able to get one. Yahoo!

We’ve been relying on it for Internet service for nearly a month, and while they’re have been a few hiccups (see following web link), the Mobley has performed flawlessly.

And the Best of the Best News is . . . the AT&T Mobley costs $20/month (+ fees & taxes). $20. Unlimited Internet Service. There is a god.

Did I mention Unlimited Data?


Here’s the official scoop on the AT&T Mobley – Mobley Is Back.

PostScript . . . unfortunately, it’s appears that this Mobley comeback was very limited as it’s now gone only after a month. C’est la vie.

Blogpocalypse Two – The Island Park

Grand Island Park (click on map to enlarge)

Grand Island Park was an unexpected find. I mean that literally. The park is in the middle of the island between a hoity toity gated community and the dessert. It’s like you’re not supposed to know it’s there . . . oh, wait . . . ah . . . now I see.

Anyway, apparently it’s the place to go if you’re a Disc Golf which I didn’t know was a thing until Flirt and I found the park.

At first, the park looked unused. But after a few weeks of walking through the park, I noticed more and more dog turds left in the park so it looks like the rabble has discovered Grand Island.

Let the Walking Begin . . .

Ready, Set, Walk!


We pass Stubby’s grave . . .

Leave a Stone for Stubby


And walk over the giant “20” old airport marking . . .

Jan on Top of the “O” of “20”


About this time Flirt comes off leash . . .


Then the Yellow (black) Brick (asphalt) Road (sidewalk) of Grand Island Park begins . . .

Time To Get Out My Passport


At the north end of the park, time for a roll on the burnt grass . . .


Next stop . . .



Finally, we round the south end of the park near the fragrant Acacia tree . . .