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This, That, and the Other Thing

Back flow Valve Install

A few days ago I filled up our RV water tank, turned the water pump back on, and went about doing other things.

An hour or so later I checked the level of water in our tank and most of the water was gone. Say what? We hadn’t done the dishes, showered, or washed the clothes. So where did the water go?

Turns out we inadvertently pumped the water out of the tank because I had left the water fill valve open. A bad thing.

So I ordered a back flow valve and installed it today. A back flow valve only allows water to flow in one direction. So we’ll let water flow into, but not out of, our water tank from now on.

The Camco 23402 Back-Flow Preventer


How a Back-Flow Valve Works


BEFORE Back-Flow Valve Install

Water, water everywhere . . .


AFTER Back-Flow Valve Install

Dry, dry, dry . . .


Flirt Surgery

Last week we took Flirt to the vet to have her teeth cleaned and a lump removed from her head.

After the surgery the vet advised us to have a biopsy done on the lump as it was unusual. Great. Possible cancer in our 7-year-old doggy. However, the vet called today and told us that the lump was benign. Whew.

Flirt looks worse than she is, but we’ve avoided having her wear a Cone of Shame.

Flirt Post Surgery


Bob at 98

Bob is a WWII aircraft carrier fighter pilot vet who has lived at our campground since we’ve been working at the RV park. So he’s been here at least 5 years.

He’s independent, sharp, and a pleasure to be around. Whenever Jan and I are feeling “old”, we remind ourselves that Bob is almost 30 years older than we are.

Bob out for a spin around the campground